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I need a small mobile app built in native iOS

UPDATE: 7/6/2017 We've just finished the prototype for the entire app. We also have the User Flow. Once we finalize requirements we'll then narrow the group down to 5 for the final decision. Thank you, everyone, for the interest. There are lots of great work in your portfolio. Looking forward to seeing this project completed! UPDATE: 6/24/2017 I've received quite a few proposals. Please bear with me while I sort through all the portfolios. I will narrow it down to 5 proposals. Once I do, I'll have the top 5 sign an NDA. I'll then have the following documents for you to review: 1. User Flow 2. Prototype 3. Functional Requirements I am very picky when it comes to UI and UX -- so please, if you need to update your proposal, do so. ---------- ORIGINAL POST: General information for the app: This app will be a companion app with minimal functionality for a desktop application that's already created Kind of development: New app from scratch Num. of web pages/modules: 10 Description of every page/module: After signing NDA Description of requirements/features: After signing NDA Specific technologies required: iOS, Photo Upload, Photo send to database Extra notes: user flow after signed NDA

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Вакансия: #11016

2524 дней 10ч 58м



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