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Website Translation English to German: Approx 400,000 words

We are looking for an individual or possibly two individuals to translate a website and blog from English to German. The website covers advice around consumer technology so while you don't need to be a true techie some understanding of technology is needed. We have around 400,000 words of content to translate. There is an opportunity for ongoing work on future translations for the right candidate. Requirements: - You must be a native German translator to translate blog posts from English to German. - You must be familiar with terms related to the Internet, software and apps. - You must be a detail-oriented, thorough and efficient professional. To Apply: - Please quote your rate per word - Please provide writing samples if you have them - Please indicate approximately how much time per week you can commit to this project - Please provide any other information explaining why you are a good fit for this role. Good luck!

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Вакансия: #11161

2407 дней 5ч 57м



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00:00 - 08:00

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