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Insulation Crew for Award Winning Team!

Insulation Crew Lead and Team Members for an exciting DC based company. Max Insulation is now hiring professionals to deliver residential insulation and energy efficiency solutions. Max Insulation is not your every- day insulation company. We have earned nearly 100 5-Star Reviews and only hire top performers. Our customers love us. We operate as a team, and have fun while delivering quality work. Financial rewards and bonuses when 5 Star reviews are earned! As crew lead, we need someone with two years’ experience handling a variety of projects including insulation of attics, crawlspaces and walls. A leadership presence and excellent customer services skills are a must. BPI certification is helpful. As a crew member, we need someone with a solid work history, ready and willing to work, and eager to earn a livable wage. If performance and other expectations are met, we invest in your ongoing training and certification. Installing insulation can be physically demanding when working in hot/cold attics, dirty crawlspaces, in confined spaces and moving equipment and materials. You must be able to handle ladders and lift 50+ pounds. Candidates must meet physical weight and height requirements to be considered. All candidates must pass criminal background checks, possess a current driver’s license with good driving record, and provide a resume of past work experience. S/he must also have reliable transportation, be a US citizen or work eligible, and possess a working cell phone. Be sure to visit our web site at Contact us now to join an exciting high performing team.

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Вакансия: #11516

2387 дней 6ч 6м



Тип работы:

Полная занятость

Рабочее время:

07:00 - 17:00

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