Information for the business: We photograph weddings Design details: Hi there I wish to visually display the typical running order of a wedding day using illustrative designs & icons to represent brides & grooms, ceremony, party, dancing, cake, family group photos etc. This is to give my clients a template to show how much time to allow for each part of their wedding day, and make it easier for them to construct a realistic running order. I see the infographic having the ceremony as the main element - then everything that happens before the ceremony ("getting ready" etc) to be Ceremony time -1hr, -2hrs etc. Equally everything that happens after the ceremony (family group photos, drinks reception, party etc) to be Ceremony time + 1hr etc Target audience: Potential & existing clients getting married within 12months Ideas for the visual style: Infographic - design icons, not too many words Where the design will be used: On my website - Extra notes:
Вакансия: #5464
2565 дней 10ч 19м
Тип работы:
Одноразовая работа
Рабочее время:
00:00 - 08:00
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