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Footwear illustrator to do beauty shots of shoes- IN LONDON. URGENT

Design details: The illustrator will not be required to provide any design help but rather bring an already established design to life through sketching, illustrating and drawing. The end product needs to reflect the texture, material and details of the shoes . Some shoes illustrations will be required to have different views (front, back,side) Designs will be described in details with a few that are very roughly sketched, annotated and supported with visual references. I need the candidate to be willing to work with me in London as the working session will be face-to-face over a few days. This is a very urgent job so I am only looking for someone who can be committed to finish the project in a tight deadline, while delivering best quality. Total number of designs are 15. More details will be provided in the one-to-one or phone interview. Ideas for the visual style: Realistic beauty shots; showing texture, material and details from various views(front,back,side) Extra notes: Please provide examples of realistic beauty shots of footwear high heel illustration you have done. Can you draw and illustrate based on verbal description? Only apply if you live in London as I will need to work with the candidate in a face to face working session for a few days in London. The successful candidate will be required to sign an NDA and copyright agreement as all sketches, illustrations and drawings will be the sole ownership of the client. The illustrator will not have the right to use any of the illustrations in any commercial aspect, nor show them as part of their portfolio, website, etc without a written consent from the client.

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Вакансия: #5502

2399 дней 14ч 52м



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00:00 - 08:00

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