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UX and Graphic Designer

Industry: Food and Beverage Ideas for the visual style: Clean, minimal design Website url: Website information: We sell organic wholesome foods Extra notes: We are looking for a hot shot graphic designer and UX expert, a champion of innovative design thinking, lean UX methodologies and immaculate attention to detail. You will be responsible for developing inspiring digital experiences online, on web and mobile. Required skills and experience - Demonstrate a track record and outstanding portfolio with strong creative thinking and innovative solutions to a problem where user insights shaped your design decisions - User-centred, methodical and clean approach to problem solving - Experience working across both print and digital channels with a strong background in visual design, interaction design and user research - Excellent written and verbal communication skills - Outstanding attention to detail combined with excellent organisational skills - Demonstrate passion for excellence and seek out opportunities for self-development - Proactive attitude and ability to perform in a fast-paced environment with changing requirements - Ability to collaborate and work in a team and under minimal guidance - Excellent knowledge of adobe creative suite is essential - Illustrator, Photoshop, Indesign

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Вакансия: #5607

2397 дней 14ч 37м



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Рабочее время:

00:00 - 08:00

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