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Unique Web app/site UI/Graphics Design

Description of every page: I require a graphic designer with knowledge of UI/UX for web apps for bigger screen devices, that is responsive to smaller screen devices. I am looking for talent not someone who copies others work and uses ready made templates. I have done a lot of research with designs, so I know what is out there. I have already come up with some ideas and rough drafts for the type of design i am looking for, so i would require you to work around this I am looking for something modern,smart, not too dull, not too bright, neat, mature but with some youthfulness,not too masculine and not too feminine Just some of the pages i need designs for is media pages, calender's, scheduling and booking, a store etc I would like to trial someones skills for 1 page only to start with to determine whether its the talent i am looking for I will give me details after I have seen your portfolio Please send me your best work for web apps/web sites, I am more interested in seeing web app type graphics work Ideas for the visual style: Details will be given Things to avoid: Out dated graphics Extra notes:

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Вакансия: #5647

2401 дней 4ч 36м



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00:00 - 08:00

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