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I need a website to be designed and built

Kind of design: Custom website Ideas for the visual style: Graphic website with text and images Extra notes: Hi, I would like to get a website designed for my consulting service. My expertise are in Project Management of building services project and property development, and i also provide a holistic service to support property development as a part of the PM including the following: - generating designs (for extensions, loft conversions & new builds) - producing CAD drawings for the various schemes - producing planning applications for planning department approval - general project management of the planning process (helping produce Daylight Surveys, Flood Risk Assessments, Liaising with the council etc) Once planning has been granted I am able to help: - produce detailed M&E Building Control Drawings - produce structural calculations & reports for the build - produce Party Wall Agreements & any other agreements with various bodies (Demolition notice etc) - produce detailed cost estimates for the build - liaise with contractors to attain realistic prices for the build - with general project management of the post planning process As a part of the build phase I am able to help (using my industry contacts & contractors): - execute the build phase of the project - manage contractors & provide site supervision service - with project managing the build (material management, cost tracking, progress tracking etc) I'd like to include tabs across a main header which drop down when you hover over them: Home, Building Services PM, Design Services, Planning Applications, Past Experience, Other Services Each will have some written content with pictures of the projects/plans etc. These will be provided by myself. The Other services tab will include - Landscaping services, Ponds & Water features, I have bought a domain name so this will not need to be done...just the design please so the website is usable. Thanks, Shim

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2398 дней 9ч 28м



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