
Ваша работа была отклонена! Причина:

Redesign front page and Customer sign up to compel the user to sign up

Kind of design: Landing page Num. of web pages: 2 Description of every page: I have developed a website that offers a service but the take up rate has been low despite my service being better and cheaper than the competition. I tried a Google PayPerClick campaign and had no sign ups. I require my landing page and sign up form/process revamping to make the page appealing and compelling so that user is encouraged to sign up. If you could provide examples of similar work that you have done I will reply with more details of my task and a competitor example to illustrate the kind of work that I need to be done. I will ignore generic bids that have not read and clearly understood the concept so please do not bid because you once made website. I am looking for particular skillset. I require you to provide me with a specific url(s) with examples of landing pages that compel the user to sign up/buy. I will base my decision of who to assign this task to based on your examples and follow up discussions. Ideas for the visual style: Will clarify this later Website information: Tenant Referencing Extra notes:

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Вакансия: #5745

2524 дней 11ч 21м



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