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Creative & Experienced UI Designer

Industry: Business Kind of design: Theme/template Description of every page: I am now hiring a Seasoned Graphic Designer, specialized in UI design. You must be creative with exceptional and meticulous background in Website UI Design. Core Areas: Branding, UI/ UX, Infographics, and Responsive Display. This is a position, requiring advanced and up-to-date knowledge in web design skills and strong hands-on expose using latest tools and technology. Scope of work: Clearly understand and visualize branding, and hand-on in designer outstanding Homepage for one the prominent Chef in the market today. Scope of Work: 1. Review design concept and layout, we have created in RealTimeBoard 2. Create simple brand and style-guide 3. Design UI/ web-page template following the guideline and incorporate your skills, and present for review 4. We anticipate there would be between 4 – 5 iterations, before finally approved 5. The create PSD layered files, separate elements and assets, and upload in Zeplin 6. Design banners and custom-edit images for the website (as needed) 7. All elements and assets must be responsive and retina display. Qualification and skills: 1. Specialized in website UI design, minimum 2 years working experience. 2. Experienced in articulating industry specific branding and developing brand identity. 3. Advanced knowledge and hands-on using AdobeCC suites 4. Usability standards, infographics and data visualization. 5. Ability to create high quality PSD layered files, and other elements seperately Job Ref: CST | UI(Web) | 06-2017, mentioned the job-code at the end of the application! Ideas for the visual style: bussiness Extra notes:

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Вакансия: #5750

2411 дней 23ч 58м



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00:00 - 08:00

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