Information for the business: Online Supply Teachers Industry: Education Design details: OSKA Education is an online supply teacher company designed to give UK schools and teachers an alternative option to going through a typical agency. We are 100% online so are able to charge schools less, and pay our teachers over 95% of the fee. This leaflet needs to be targeted at the schools, to tell them who we are, most importantly how little we charge for supply teachers, and other awesome fun-facts. We are looking for 'infographic' style on one side, and our name/logo/contact details on the other. A5 size Something that is eye catching, colourful, but simple (icons rather than pictures) Head teachers have very little time and receive a lot of junk-mail so we want them to want to pick this up! Please get in touch if you have any questions! Target audience: UK Schools Content on the front/back side and body: Infographic Style (front), Contact Details (back) Ideas for the visual style: Infographic/simple Preferred colors: Check out our website for ideas! Extra notes:
Вакансия: #5764
2565 дней 9ч 58м
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00:00 - 08:00
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