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Need MEP CAD Drawings, Title 24 energy code and Energy Calculations

Industry: Business Design details: I am looking for bids Unlimited revisions - though I hope its only a few. I need two sets of drawings for a 4700 sq. foot warehouse. These drawings will be submitted to the city building inspectors for approval. The scope - producing an original set of CAP MEP Drawing that would represent the building before it was bought last year and then we need drawings that show the changes (the MEP additions that they had installed, by a licensed contractor, but without permits) during the last 6months. Prepare the necessary plans to be submitted to the city for approval. I will be able to send you Marked-Up Drawings along with Pictures. We are focused on HVAC, Plumbing, Electrical & Fire Suppression. Write specifications that meet California building code, specifically Title 24 energy code and their calculations. You need to be knowledgeable on California building code. Ideas for the visual style: CAD Extra notes: After you are able to get us a draft we can send redline drawings with additional information based on both yours and our feedback of what is still missing. I also have about 30 site photos that I can send.

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Вакансия: #5897

2410 дней 9ч 5м



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