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I need a Freelance Storyboard Artist

Information for the business: Children's songs / Nursery Rhymes Industry: Education Design details: Storyboard artist required for regular work in a project that is ongoing. Work is based on children's songs/nursery rhymes and to create videos from them so a good eye for rhythm and detail to bring out interest in simple stories is a must. Please attach your resume and list your experience. The nursery rhymes around 2 mins, and need around 25~40 frames for the board normally (Depend on different stories). We will provide the main characters design, references and storylines, the artist has to create the interesting camera angles, movements and the character actions of the storyboard. The need time is 1 week. Target audience: Storyboard artist Ideas for the visual style: For Children Extra notes: After the storyboard done, may have some comments to revise the frames. (In my experience, sometime around 2~5 frames)

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Вакансия: #6076

2401 дней 1ч 4м



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00:00 - 08:00

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