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Industry: Art and Design Design details: Industry: Art and Design Design details: using 10 images to be projected- plus some words, I need the images to be projected onto the wall and I would like them to 'appear' like they do in the film in Arrival, sort of morphing softly into a hard image. This is for a dance choreography that is 3 minutes long for a grant application. Target audience: Fulbright Committee Ideas for the visual style: Arrival film Things to avoid: flashing images Extra notes: Animation- 3 minute animation using 10 still images to be projected as well as a few words imbetween that show up and morph sort of like the on the glass for Arrival. For a dance choreography Target audience: Fulbright committee Ideas for the visual style: Arrival Film Things to avoid: flashing images Extra notes: Industry: Art and Design Design details: using 10 images to be projected- plus some words, I need the images to be projected onto the wall and I would like them to 'appear' like they do in the film in Arrival, sort of morphing softly into a hard image. This is for a dance choreography that is 3 minutes long for a grant application. Target audience: Fulbright Committee Ideas for the visual style: Arrival film Things to avoid: flashing images Extra notes: Animation- 3 minute animation using 10 still images to be projected as well as a few words imbetween that show up and morph sort of like the on the glass for Arrival. For a dance choreography

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Вакансия: #6097

2400 дней 2ч 54м



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