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Fashion Designer and Patter Cutter

Details about the apparel: Alternate Fashion Content to include on the apparel: Latex Ideas for the visual style: Diverse Extra notes: Fashion Designer & Pattern Cutter: Part Time- On site based in Watford and remote work Job Title- Fashion Designer and Pattern Cutter Reports to: Director and Operations Manager Hours-Flexi Wage- TBD Description: As a forward thinking designer & pattern cutter you will play a crucial role in ensuring that beautiful pieces are designed from concept all the way through to the production stages. A knowledge of latex would be useful, an interest in learning to work with the material is a must. You will work closely with the team to create new and exciting designs. The position will require both knowledge in design and pattern cutting. The amount of work is very flexible. This position could require up to full time employment. Key Responsibilities: Work with team to create exciting and commercially viable designs Responsibilities over both design and pattern cutting Proactive, self motivated individual able to work in a team and independently Contribute with new ideas Developing an innovative, yet commercial range to retain as well as acquire new customers Work with Latex Material Understanding of garment construction to fit and comment on samples once in hand to make any final adjustments and improvements before going to production You will be : Be organised A good communicator Have good time management skills Be creative Be self motivation Who we are: Established in 1988, Honour is a leading supplier and designer of Fetish Fashions with a number of brands serving our customers throughout the UK and the rest of the world. Being one of the first specialist websites in the 90s, we quickly expanded our range and brought our reputation for excellent customer service online. Since then we have continued to expand with more products and choice available to more people around the world than ever before.

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Вакансия: #6149

2388 дней 15ч 47м



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Рабочее время:

00:00 - 08:00

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