Details about the apparel: T-shirt for men women kids Content to include on the apparel: Will be in the draft i will send once contacted Ideas for the visual style: graphic and text Things to avoid: Avoid fonts and graphics that are NOT for commercial use, DO NOT COPY from existing designs Extra notes: Hi, I am in need of 20 t-shirt designs in one week, variations of same design are not considered as one design. Some designs would require graphics to be created from scratch, not just texted-based. I will send you design ideas and drafts I want to make and you could get inspiration from it and create the design in your own creative style. I would require the PSD or AI files. Once we are done with this batch, we could continue if everything looks good. I would need a designer who can churn out 10 designs per day for the growing business. If you think you can do this, do apply and I look forward to doing business with you.
Вакансия: #6168
2575 дней 6ч 21м
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