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Website built on wordpress with Divi theme

General information for the website: Coaching and nutrition website Kind of development: New website from scratch Num. of web pages/modules: 4/5 Description of every page/module: Site map: Home Work with me (three packages) Nourished mind Nourished body Maintenance About Blog Contact Add all social media links and newsletter sign up to footer on all pages, plus T&Cs. Description of requirements/features: Opt-in to download free 'workbook' (not done yet) - add names to list. (Mailchimp) Specific technologies required: I have access to the DIVI theme Similar urls: Extra notes: I have all the codes for colours and fonts I would like. All the copy has been written and ready to be uploaded. I would like to be able to make changes myself in the future. I am in the process of getting pictures ad logo finished , so would like to be able to upload this myself at a later stage. I have purchased domain and hosting is through Godaddy, I also have the Divi theme from 'elegant themes'

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Вакансия: #6504

2524 дней 9ч 22м



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00:00 - 08:00

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