I need a quote for a custom Wordpress plugin developed for adding favourites and auto-emailing to multiple clients. The workflow I am trying to implement is: 1. I would like a favourite button or icon to all of my listing pages. 2. Favourites are stored on a separate page, and accessed from the top main menu 3. User can unfavourite from the listing page or from the favourites page directly. 4. User can select all favourites or only ones they want. 5. They can then press "Request free quotes" button and a pre-existing gravity form is loaded that I have made, they fill it in, and it gets emailed to Admin [us] and all of the favourited businesses directly. 6. I need to be able to configure the subject and body of the email initially, but after that it will always be the same email sent to them. Also, the customer needs to receive an email thanking them for submitting quote request, and we will contact them as soon as possible.
Вакансия: #6639
2575 дней 6ч 22м
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00:00 - 08:00
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