General information for the website: Jobs Portal Kind of development: Customization of existing website Description of requirements/features: We have developed in-house job portal using custom PHP and MySQLi abd we are going to launch it soon BUT we experienced that application hangs or goes slow down. Our QA engineers suggested to make it better in performance and speed before launching. We need to convert it into an MVC application preferably based on Codeigniter. WE HAVE NO TIME. Everything is ready and working fine just to convert the code into CI framework. Please apply only: - if you can do it before 5th of July. We can pay higher rates but WE CAN"T AFFORD ERRORS AND ISSUES. No Delays. - if you can work on weekends and off hours - if you are experienced in Codigniter (at least 3 years) Code will be provided via Google Drive - Please apply if you ready to start immediately Extra services needed: Customization Specific technologies required: CodeIgniter Extra notes: We have developed in-house job portal using custom PHP and MySQLi abd we are going to launch it soon BUT we experienced that application hangs or goes slow down. Our QA engineers suggested to make it better in performance and speed before launching. We need to convert it into an MVC application preferably based on Codeigniter. WE HAVE NO TIME. Everything is ready and working fine just to convert the code into CI framework. Please apply only: - if you can do it before 5th of July. We can pay higher rates but WE CAN"T AFFORD ERRORS AND ISSUES. No Delays. - if you can work on weekends and off hours - if you are experienced in Codigniter (at least 3 years) Code will be provided via Google Drive - Please apply if you ready to start immediately
Вакансия: #6858
2575 дней 6ч 21м
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Рабочее время:
00:00 - 08:00
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