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Extensive cloud-based Web Development project (large-scale project for a dedicated te

General information for the website: Enterprise Software Solution in the Cloud Kind of development: Customization of existing website Description of requirements/features: Requirements We are looking for a strong team of 2-4 fulltime developers as well as 1 fulltime Quality Assurance/Tester profiles. One of these profiles (can by anyone within the development team) need to act as a Project Leader on the development teams side, as we need to communicate daily on either phone, email and/or Skype. Once a week, we will also have a short meeting where we discuss the current development progress as well as define the future development roadmap and upcoming tasks. The requirements for the developer profiles that we are looking for are: • Junior to Senior level programmers with extensive experience with and expert level qualifications in PHP, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, and MySQL. • Experience with and knowledge of: o MediaWiki (version 1.24.2) using the Semantic MediaWiki extension. o Laravel5 PHP framework (version 5.1.10+ (LTS)) o Angular JS frontend framework (version 1.4.6+) o Bootstrap Angular JS (version 0.13.4+) (angular-ui-bootstrap for the admin) o Bootstrap HTML (version 3.2.0+) o MySQL database system • Must be able to communicate well in English both verbally and written. • Must be able to work in a highly organized and structured way, and be capable of adapting quickly to new and sometimes urgent tasks. The requirements for the Project Leader profile that we are looking for are: • Must have a good understanding our system architecture and preferably have experience with web-based app and software development. • The Project Leader can be a developer and must therefore also live up to the above requirements for the developer profile. • Must be a good communicator, and be able to convey complex information to and between LEADing Practice’s Project Manager and members of the development team. • The Project Leader must be able to speak and write English on a high level so that all communication will be easy to understand between LEADing Practice and the development team. • The Project Leader will communicate directly with the Project Manager on a daily basis and provide a brief, written report and development progress at the end of each week. The requirements for the Quality Assurance/Tester profile that we are looking for are: • Must have good experience with and knowledge of HTML, CSS3 and JavaScript programming. • Must be good at using, observing, testing and managing software functionality and features. • Must be capable of documenting and communicating bugs and other potential system issues and flaws to the development team. • Must be a curious person, and be able to track down potential problems and issues with the different software systems. • Must have a highly analytic approach to different tasks and daily work. • Must have extensive experience with all main browsers, such as Google’s Chrome, Apple’s Safari, Microsoft IE and Edge, Opera and other relevant web browsers. Finally, we require that the development team have an integrated Project Management system setup at their end so that we at LEADing Practice as well as the inhouse development team can create and manage daily tasks and roadmaps, where we can communicate and upload files as well as get an overview of time spent developing and the amount of resources used, etc. If you feel that your team is capable of lifting this responsibility, and take our project to the next level, please contact the LEADing Practice Project Manager Ulrik Foldager at u f o ( a t ) l e a d i n g p r a c t i c e . c o m as soon as possible. Please provide details around what you can offer to our project as well as your price model for the developers and testers. Extra services needed: Customization, 3rd party integration, Optimization, Security Specific technologies required: Laravel, Angular JS Extra notes:

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Вакансия: #6875

2394 дней 8ч 18м



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00:00 - 08:00

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