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Design and post an editable web site for small professional firm

General information for the website: Professional consulting services Kind of development: New website from scratch Num. of web pages/modules: 3-pages web site with links Description of every page/module: What We Do How We Do It Contact Us Description of requirements/features: Professional Web Design I need to get my site designed and look like this site: This site is for a small professional IT consulting firm This site should include the following artistic and technical aspects: 1- Easy to edit, to add static and dynamic contents 2- Use a theme close to the one provided for each page 3- Graphics should be color vibrant, and be lite to load fast 4- All fonts, colors and layouts can be edited and changed when needed 5- Initial graphics (some provided like logo, others need artistic editing) 6- Responsive with mobile version 7- Provide counter for visitors 8- Link to social media (include Facebook page design) and blogs 9- Search function and site map 10- Service include tools to design/edit and upload to hosting service Please, include all details of service, during and after design completed.with clear cost. Delivery Time - 7 days CMS and Admin requirements: No, but initial help to upload the site to our hosting company Specific technologies required: Designer must help uploading to ensure site operate as expected Similar urls: Extra notes: I am looking for simple, easy to navigate site as described above. I need to be able to edit content (all content and layout) anytime using suggested editor or portal. Graphics design may be needed to optimize look and load speed.

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Вакансия: #6925

2524 дней 10ч 58м



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