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Company Website

General information for the website: Recruitment Kind of development: New website from scratch Description of every page/module: *Front Website:* *1)* Your current website pages like Pricing, Career, etc not have nice UI / look & feel, we will do Redesigning of those pages or entire site first. - You will be able to edit the content of any page from your admin account login, mainly Career and Pricing pages. - Contact Us page having 2 different contact forms, those contact data will be stored and shown in admin panel. on the candidates contact page can we create C.V. populating template? attached is a sample. *As we discussed over call, if you would like us to generate the CV / Resume in predefined format and collect the Candidate's data using Contact Us form, then it will take extra 1.5 to 2 business days effort, which will cost you additional $150.* *2)* Website will be Responsive / Mobile Friendly. *3)* We will take care of the On-Page SEO points (we would need content, certain keywords related to your industry, etc from you once we are ready to go live) Work Email: can this be relocated to your sever? or we have to open new account *If you can share across your email account access OR create a new email account for our team review then our team will check how to export current emails from there and import on our panel. In short, we need to understand which email client you are using, and whether we can switch to our new email client with same email id account and merge the emails or not. * Description of requirements/features: *Front Website:* *1)* Your current website pages like Pricing, Career, etc not have nice UI / look & feel, we will do Redesigning of those pages or entire site first. - You will be able to edit the content of any page from your admin account login, mainly Career and Pricing pages. - Contact Us page having 2 different contact forms, those contact data will be stored and shown in admin panel. on the candidates contact page can we create C.V. populating template? attached is a sample. *As we discussed over call, if you would like us to generate the CV / Resume in predefined format and collect the Candidate's data using Contact Us form, then it will take extra 1.5 to 2 business days effort, which will cost you additional $150.* *2)* Website will be Responsive / Mobile Friendly. *3)* We will take care of the On-Page SEO points (we would need content, certain keywords related to your industry, etc from you once we are ready to go live) Work Email: can this be relocated to your sever? or we have to open new account *If you can share across your email account access OR create a new email account for our team review then our team will check how to export current emails from there and import on our panel. In short, we need to understand which email client you are using, and whether we can switch to our new email client with same email id account and merge the emails or not. * Extra services needed: Hosting Extra notes:

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