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Hubspot COS designer/developer required to make changes to existing website

General information for the website: Digital Agency Website Kind of development: Customization of existing website Description of requirements/features: We are looking for a Hubspot COS certified designer / developer to make some changes to our live website. You must be proficient in the use of Hubspot COS including the ability to work with our page templates, the Hubl language, CSS, and so forth. Ideally you will know how to work with Hubspot's Content Staging functionality so that any changes can be reviewed and approved before they are published. Please DO NOT apply for this job unless you are properly qualified with enough experience to confidently work on a website using the Hubspot COS interface. If you are qualified then please read on. The changes we'd like to implement include: - Updates to some existing page templates (e.g. the home page, About page etc.) - mainly this will be removing some of the modules on the page template and creating one or two new modules - Creation of 4 new pages (3 of which will be quick and easy and 1 which is a longer page with about 8 sections) - Reshuffling the menus to match the new site structure We will provide the copywriting and the rough wireframes to work from and will be available to assist with any questions and so forth throughout. As mentioned we already have a theme installed and so the above work will take place within the constraints of the existing theme - it should take an experienced Hubspot COS freelancer a couple of days to complete. Extra services needed: Customization, Optimization Specific technologies required: Hubspot Extra notes:

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Вакансия: #7148

2399 дней 0ч 2м



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00:00 - 08:00

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