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Web application

General information for the website: Communications-aimed web application Kind of development: New website from scratch Description of every page/module: Looking for an experienced full-stack developer for a communications-aimed web application. This is an upcoming project, so the developer will be free to discuss intended technologies with the team, although preferences fall on Javascript and related frameworks. The developer will also be able to shape the project, discussing its roadmap with the team. Description of requirements/features: - Facebook Graph API integration - Create and manage account - User filtering - Direct messages - 1:1 live video sessions - Map sharing API - Rate user/helper pop up - Payment API 1:1 sessions (to be discussed) - Virtual currency (to be discussed) - “Allow notifications” button on browser (desktop&mobile) - Notifications on email; SMS (to be discussed) - Affiliate programs integration - Design wireframes will be provided CMS and Admin requirements: Specific skills needed: - Experience creating localized (many languages) interfaces with technologies such as AngularJS with Java backend, for example. - UI, UX, Interactivity design experience a plus - Graphic design experience a plus but not required for this project - Experience in making architectural recommendations - Experience with any source control and issue tracking system - Experience with Twilio or similar APIs is a huge plus - Experience with WebRTC is a huge plus Specific technologies required: The developer will be free to discuss intended technologies with the team, although preferences fall on Javascript and related frameworks. Similar urls: Extra notes: - Project will be divided into 3 main phases/milestones (to be discussed) - Deadline: 2 months (can be 3 months if all "to be discussed" features are added)

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Вакансия: #7202

2398 дней 2ч 46м



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00:00 - 08:00

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