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Looking for a freelancer who can revamp & redesign Web & App

General information for the website: One Platform for Vehicles Kind of development: Customization of existing website Description of requirements/features: 1 - UI change of web (main Page & landing page refer swiggy or zomato) & app(even icons page to be as either Ola or swiggy) 2 - To show search bar in both web & app (based on locality, service station, vehicle model & also booking id) Ex: if a customer is looking for service of royal enfield in specific locality, page should show the vendors of authorised dealers 1st who does the same & then Unauthorised vendors based on distance & time of working 3 - Change registration Page ( name, email id, phone number, password), after registering ( otp to enter in mob and clicking link of email app to be opened) 4 - Add referral program and coupon codes 5 - can book only for work timings on same day else for a different day and provide specific slot timings 6 - vendor specialist in brand, ratings and comments to be shown 7 - service rating for each and every service 8 - To show authorised or un authorised symbol ( in registration page & in app or web) 9 - flat tyre flow to be changed to fine tune 10 - 2km cut off radius then app should ask customer to search more if no vendors are found 11 - siren sound for all the service request 12 - seo & adwords optimization,s 13 - web to show open in app at bottom if mobile 14 - send notifications to all registered in web page, mobile & users based on their device 15 - Auto Location to be shown on top of web or app (editable) & timeline of service request ( may be simmilar to dominos) 16 - specific vendor task amount to be calculated auto at final page of vendor submission for billing 17 - After billing a copy to be automailed for Vendor, Customer & automobi for further reference. (now its only for customer) 18 - change of payment gateway Extra notes:

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Вакансия: #7252

2524 дней 10ч 55м



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