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I need a responsive eBay UK listing template made which meets all the required rules

General information for the website: We sell natural oils on ebay and other platforms Num. of web pages/modules: 1 template Description of every page/module: Hi I require an new eBay template similar to the one I have right now but I need it to be fully compliant to eBay UK rules and regulations. I also need the template to be easy to update and add new products onto. I also require the template to be fully responsive to any platform...especially to mobile and tablet formats. I have basic html/css skills and basic dreamweaver skills hence if told how to, will be able to make the necessary updates to the template for when I have a new product to sell. Description of requirements/features: Fully responsive ebay UK template which can be easily updated with new products and images/text. The template has to look similar to this website.. My current eBay listing is... Extra notes:

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Вакансия: #7440

2524 дней 9ч 27м



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