Please see the brief below. If you could kindly get back to me with prices/suggestions that would be great as soon as possible. Have a good week, Thanks. BEHRENS GROUP is Manchester’s oldest textile company. La Beeby its beautywear brand has recently undergone a rebrand with a new website and digital strategy being implemented from July. We are now implementing a full digital strategy however this relies on regular content in the form of good photography to be used across social media. We are open to ideas from creative photographers about how they suggest capturing regular content available for social? We feel we want a photographer to produce between 20-30 shots a month. We are looking at the possibility of working with a spa/salon who will allow us to go in and photograph monthly/bimonthly. This will reduce the cost of models as we will use the staff wearing our dresses in the spa environment. As we mentioned above we are open to ideas of regular shots on a retainer basis vs a one off bigger shoot….. We want to work with a lifestyle photographer who is competitively priced knowing that there are plenty more opportunities across the company for the right photographer. I look forward to hearing from you,
Вакансия: #7731
2565 дней 10ч 14м
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