I have recently developed a product concept and want to run a kickstarter campaign to pre launch the product to obtain sales. I need to do this in order to pay for the tooling costs etc. In order to make the most of the kickstarter campaign, I want to create one main video which will be used on this but also a few teaser videos, short ones, to be used as trailers if that make sense. The products are aimed at families, so want to appeal to children but obviously mainly to adults with kids as they will be the ones buying them. The main thing is keeping them fun but quirky at the same time and using the designs we have on the plates and mugs and creating animated/sketch style videos which maintain the same concept whilst showing the products off so it makes sense. If you can let me know if you can do this and what you specialise in and a rough idea of cost, I will then send over the product images so you can see what I have developed and we can discuss this in more depth along with my ideas I have for this. Look forward to hearing from you. Thanks
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2575 дней 6ч 22м
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