
Ваша работа была отклонена! Причина:

I need a professional Receptionist

Description of support work: Take customer orders and enter them into a pre-established tracking system Assignments. Computer system Running and processing multiple documents utilizing Microsoft Word, Excel, and Access Inputting purchase orders Other various administrative tasks,Inputs information from a variety of sources into a computer database. May take customer orders and enter them into a pre-established tracking system. Extra notes: Answer phones and operate a switchboard. Route calls to specific people. Answer inquiries about company. Greet visitors warmly and make sure they are comfortable. Call persons waiting for visitor and book them a room to meet in. Schedule meetings and conference rooms. Make coffee and set out food. Ensure reception area is tidy. Coordinate mail flow in and out of office. Coordinate office activities. Handle phone calls from people calling in sick. Gather personal and insurance information. Hand out employee applications. Arrange appointments. Cash out people when necessary. Validate parking tickets. Give visitors badges and direct them to where they can sign in. Issue parking passes. Send email and faxes. Collect and distribute parcels and other mail. Perform basic bookkeeping, filing, and clerical duties. Prepare travel vouchers. Take and relay messages. Update appointment calendars. Schedule follow-up appointments.

Дополнительная информация

Вакансия: #8342

2401 дней 9ч 54м



Тип работы:

Одноразовая работа

Рабочее время:

00:00 - 08:00

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