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Business Development Manger

Young Once Creative Forever is a London-based collective and concept house that specialises in video production, photography, graphic design & art direction. With with work ranging from client projects to in-house productions, we take an imaginative and innovative approach to all of our work, whether it is a single video production, social media campaign, or an in-house project. Our collective focuses on bringing audiences and content together. We blend intelligent creativity with a sincere collaborative approach, consistently delivering powerful results for our clients. We've worked with clients such as We are Social, Google, HSBC and Redbull. We are looking for a Business Development Manager to come in one a freelance basis. Role Primary responsibility will be to drive new business sales through; - Identifying and prospecting a set of agreed target accounts. - Identifying and targeting areas for growth in the UK. - Working with our Lead Generation team to undertake targeted marketing campaigns, events and direct calling initiatives. - Generating new and repeat business Skils - Previous sales experience, (minimum 5+ years) - B2B sales experience, ideally within media; Conferences, Exhibitions, Sponsorship, Agency or Advertising. - The ability to effectively communicate and create rapport with business directors. - Comfortable and capable of online research, Google, LinkedIn and any means of getting insight into the prospect. - A pro-active, tenacious working attitude - The ability to work under pressure and deliver

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Вакансия: #8358

2409 дней 3ч 52м



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00:00 - 08:00

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