
Ваша работа была отклонена! Причина:

Commercial lawyer

Industry: Legal Description of legal work: I took ALIBABA to court for failing to honour its trade assurance guarantee using money claim online for an order i placed on their website. I used the name ALIBABA as the defendant and an address in UK. The name on the form was changed to (Europe) Ltd on the response from the defendant. (Europe) Ltd is claiming they are not a party to the transaction and they do not own the website where the transaction took place. They also claimed that the name ALIBABA does not exist although I have communicated to the defendant using that name and they responded in the past. The case was transferred to a county court and the court has ordered for the name to be changed to (Europe) Ltd. Please let me know the first step to take Extra notes: I might need someone to represent me

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Вакансия: #8435

2524 дней 10ч 58м



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00:00 - 08:00

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