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Face to face or phone survey for market research of estate agents and their clients

Industry: Internet/Software Geographical areas: UK and London Data to include: We're developing an exciting new mobile app for estate agents/online property portals and require assistance with market research of estate agents (estate agent managers and/or estate agent marketing managers) and clients who have used estate agents for buying/renting. The agents will ideally come from a mix of small independents to larger companies. Clients should also range from people with low to higher budgets for buying mostly, but maybe a couple of renters. Set-up 30 minute interviews with each of the 12 customers (6 agents and 6 clients/consumers). These can be face to face, skype or by phone but must be verifiable and good quality. Write the name of the individual and a one sentence description of their background, and their contact details such as email and phone number and city they live in. They must agree to be part of an initial research group list. They will not be spammed but kept up to do date with developments of the app by email newsletter. Then, provide a bullet-ed list of any positive or negative key insights about the project gained from the interview. I have a set of open ended questions and more details will be given for the selected freelancer. The questions gathered must be useable ie. no one word answers or blank questions. Must be UK based and the interviews must be of people living in UK and preferably London. Job is time critical and must be done by Monday 3rd at the latest. Extra notes:

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Вакансия: #8604

2407 дней 3ч 9м



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00:00 - 08:00

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