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Part time book keeping and admin assistant

Fast-growing travel start-up looking for a part time book-keeper and all round super-hero. Immediate start. Working on-site in our London office (Old Street). Main responsibilities: - Managing invoices and payments to our hosts/suppliers - Monthly accounts reconciliation - Administrative support as required You’ll work with the guidance of our finance manager to deliver the day to day finance and bookkeeping tasks required for the smooth running of the business, as well as implementing and improving systems to help us become ever more efficient and scalable in order to keep up with growth. Hours: Will require initially approx 2 days per week, ideally split into 4 half days/week to ensure prompt response to queries from partners etc. There is scope for the hours to increase over time. REQUIREMENTS Experience/skills required: - Good working knowledge of Xero. - Previous experience (1+ years) in similar role in a fast moving start up environment - Friendly, upbeat, ambitious and proactive, a natural 'doer' - A love of travel and adventure is very helpful! Why us? - Flexible working hours, hourly pay. - Dynamic, friendly and fast paced start up environment - Option to work remotely for some of time. General information for the business: Adventure travel booking platform Industry: Lifestyle/Travel Kind of support: Invoicing, Other Accounting software: Xero

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Вакансия: #8702

2399 дней 0ч 29м



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Одноразовая работа

Рабочее время:

00:00 - 08:00

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