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I need a Self Employed Recruiter

General information for the business: Permanent Recruitment Industry: Business Kind of support: Screening Description of support work: Candidate Sourcing I am looking for an experienced recruiter who is willing to work from home doing a Recruitment Consultant role. This includes sourcing candidates, vetting and interviewing and general admin within the CRM. Submitting a shortlist to me and arranging a time for a 2nd phone screen with myself. I will take it from there. If someone also has the ability to source new business I will happily discuss rates for this but my primary concern is with candidate sourcing at this time. Ideally, you will have job board access but I am able to provide this if required. Ideally, you will also be experienced in headhunting and search & selection methods. Looking for a trustworthy person as we all know how ruthless this industry can be. I will pay either a high hourly rate or a combination of hourly rate + commission. Avg fees £3000 - £6000 per candidate placed. Recruiting into Sales, Marketing & IT industries/sectors for Privately owned, entrepreneurial, VC/PE funded businesses across the UK. Extra notes: I have worked from home for over 4 years now. I'm looking to grow and expand based on my client base providing an opportunity to expand. Ideally, I would like to become a virtual recruitment business and have teams of home-based consultants. Life is too short for rush hour and performance reviews!

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Вакансия: #8768

2409 дней 19ч 51м



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00:00 - 08:00

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