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I need a PR Executive for my Jewellery Brand

Hi, We are a new designer jewellery brand based in London looking for a PR Executive. As our brand is new in the market, we need to develop our brand awareness and online reputation through social media and run periodical online campaigns. The right candidate will be passionate about online marketing, able to produce exciting and engaging content to share via social media channels. Your main tasks will include: · Development of brand awareness and online reputation · Managing our content marketing strategy · Lead the creation of content pages for our website and press releases. · Evaluate the performance of all social media campaigns, with regular reporting and optimisation Required skills: - Excellent copywriting, proofreading and editing skills - Able to demonstrate creative writing and knowledge of social media - Excellent knowledge and understanding of social media platforms, with significant experience in delivering successful social media campaigns - Strong creative marketing flare and a passion for generating new ideas If you feel that this role suits you please message me and I can give you more details.

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Вакансия: #8796

2407 дней 2ч 21м



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Одноразовая работа

Рабочее время:

00:00 - 08:00

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