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I need a Sales and Marketing Executive ( Malaysia only. Living in KL and Selangor)

Looking for an assistant that could help me to research and call up international schools (Ask to speak with the person in charge of extra co-curriculum) and ask whether they are interested to have our company's training as one of their Co-curriculum activities/ After school activities. Programs we are offering is: 1) Pop Stars Training (8- 17 years old) 2) Musical Theatre Training (8- 17 years old) Applicants should be able to: - Commit 8 hours per week (2 hours per day) - Able to speak English and BM fluently - Have a pleasant personality and able to work professionally - Do a search online and compile a list of international schools in Klang Valley. the name of the person in charge along with the contact number and email address - Fill them in the Google Docs) - Familiar with Google Drive (Google Docs and Google Sheet) - Call up schools (Around Klang Valley), explain our training and arrange meeting appointment with the school and me based on my available time - Prompt on replying emails and messages. Always report the progress to me. - Motivated and passionate towards the progress. Once you're shortlisted, I'll have a Skype interview with you. After you are being selected to work for me I'll send the necessary documents for you to study and work on. Working Hours: 2 hours per day. (8 hours per week) Rate: USD10 per hour. Additional Claims (Phone Bills Used to Call The Schools)

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Вакансия: #8831

2407 дней 10ч 28м



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Рабочее время:

00:00 - 08:00

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