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I Need Online SEO Bidder

Job Description a) Explore & target new business leads & opportunities in software/mobile/web development domain in International market. b) Responsible for Online Bidding on Upwork, PPH, Guru, Freelancer etc. c) Drafting the proposals; developing and negotiating contracts; integrating contract requirements with business operations. d) Interacting/calling to CIO, CEO, CFO, Top Management, Decision Makers for wide range of digital services and managing Lead Generation Process. e) Achieve targets and define strategy to achieve these targets and to follow the set strategy punctually and maintain the time-lines for the proposal teams. f) Generating business from new accounts and existing accounts. g) Coordinate with the project management team for client needs and specification to ensure smooth delivery. h) Client Communication & Pre-Sales activity i) Good analytical and communication skills. j) Exposure to international clients is mandatory k) Should be well versed with OpenSource, web based and mobile technologies. If you have experience in online bidding and match the above mentioned requirement, then only you apply for this job.

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Вакансия: #8914

2398 дней 19ч 8м



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Одноразовая работа

Рабочее время:

00:00 - 08:00

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