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Freelance Recruitment Consultant

Freelance Recruitment Consultant Do you want to join the fastest growing recruiter network in Europe??? Established in 2011 Blu Global is One of a kind, operating in 16 countries and with Recruiters based in more than 150 major cities we are completely unique with a simple & flexible proposition. As one of the fastest growing recruitment companies in the UK, Blu Global aims to consolidate its position with the recruitment of freelance recruitment consultants in country to be added. Manage your own work without time pressure or goals. You will collaborate with our team in the UK, who is already involved in the placement of numerous candidates from several countries of the European Union. Responsibilities: · Selection of candidates according to specifications · First screening of candidates · Coordinate with our team in the UK in order to follow up the selection process. Requirements: · Good level of English · Experience in recruitment (preferred) · Good computer skills Offer: · Ability to manage your own time · Attractive remuneration system with open ended earnings And much more bonuses depending on performance! If you feel interested and want to experience significant change in your professional life, please find our upcoming events and book your free ticket! Don’t miss our event!

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Вакансия: #8930

2403 дней 21ч 47м



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Одноразовая работа

Рабочее время:

00:00 - 08:00

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