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Lead generators for PRINCE2 online course

I have started doing some work for a company that offers online training courses and exams. I am currently focusing on the PRINCE2 project management course, I can offer students the PRINCE2 foundation course with exam, and the PRINCE2 practitioner course with exam as a bundle for £460 total which is one of, if not the cheapest price in the Uk! PRINCE2 is a universally recognised project management qualification, this course is designed for anyone to do and will take the student from having zero experience in project management to being a fully qualified project manager. The training is APMG certified and comes complete with mock exams, scenario based quizzes and downloadable content, the student also also has a full 6 months access to complete the training. In total it's about 18 hours of instructor led content plus mock exams. On completion of the exams (which can be taken at home on a PC, all the student needs is a webcam). The student will be accredited by Axelos as a PRINCE2 practitioner. I am currently testing the water with lead generators for a new business so I need an idea of cost per hour and how many leads people would be able to generate per hour. The way the leads are generated are completely down to the lead generators, all I need is a name, email address and phone number of someone who wants to do the course and I'll do the rest of the work. As I've said previously this is a proof of concept for a new business so if this goes well then there will be plenty of repeat business, for lots of other courses. I look forward to hearing from you

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Вакансия: #8968

2399 дней 9ч 13м



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