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Email marketing campaign and UK database purchase

I have been a sole trader with a website selling mascot costumes for 8 years. I want to sell more of our premium Custom made mascots. Brands, charities and other Organisations use these mascots as a marketing tool to gain attention for their Product, message or fundraising. Think of Pudsey Bear (Children in Need). We are not the manufacturer, we supply a premium high quality costume and sell these in excess of £1000+Vat. Our pricing is very competitive and we supply a great service. We send a picture of how the mascot will look, send material samples then produce a luxurious, durable mascot with a fan. Its a very visual product. Our customer list includes IKEA, Frankie & Bennies. The idea to tap into the UK marketing professionals that work for these types of Brand chains. And chase bulk orders. Need freelancer to help me purchase an UK email database of these Marketing professionals ie marketing executives, Brand directors, PR executives etc... Freelancer must be able to demonstrate that the database is relevant and up to date. Design a stunning email selling those bespoke mascots. Send an email campaign to that database then measure results.

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Вакансия: #9021

2401 дней 8ч 12м



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