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Telesales, cold calling and lead generation!

We are a firm of Accountants and are looking for an experienced telesales person to generate sales leads and sales opportunities. We are based in Harrow and have been helping individuals and businesses since 2005. We have built a trusted reputation for quality accountants and great customer service. The job would initially be for four weeks only but could develop into a long term relationship depending on results and the rate of business development. The job will be to work through the data that we'll provide you with and speak to the decision maker about the services we offer. There will also be an element of understanding what they currently use and how this fairs against our services through conversation points. Success will be measured by the number of potential sales leads that are passed back from calls that you have made. REQUIREMENTS: We will only consider submissions from the UK, with fluent English speakers. If you are up for challenge and feel that this job ticks all your boxes, please get in touch! Thanks

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Вакансия: #9097

2398 дней 12ч 47м



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Одноразовая работа

Рабочее время:

00:00 - 08:00

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