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Creative Marketing Admin Needed

Description: The Marketing Admin is responsible for providing support, as needed, to the marketing teams. You should be able to create ideas for company item's photos (based on our template and guide), and should be able to guide our photo editors to make that photo by fulfilling all template requirements. Marketing admin need to see and study some Amazon listing and some best sellers of that category and suggest what more we can do to improve our sales. Marketing Admin will be provided with training and a chance to work in multiple types of tasks, based on marketing needs and admin availability. Requirements: Prior experience in Marketing, Advertising and Sales With exceptional writing skills With passion in design and photography Creative thinker Fresher may apply who at least completing Marketing course or any related course Fresher may apply with interest in the same field Highly proficient in use of modern software and computer applications. Always connected via mobile/computer

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Вакансия: #9204

2400 дней 22ч 37м



Тип работы:

Одноразовая работа

Рабочее время:

00:00 - 08:00

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