Num. of articles: 1 Words per article: 600 Information for the blog/website: Will be a printed Magazine for our company Industry: Lifestyle/Travel Topic: Our story Tone: Sincere Outline & Structure: We, Moes & Griet, are the exclusive distributor of UASHMAMA Benelux... for the international magazine of Uashmama (first edition) we have to write a nice article about us (mother & daughter), our story, how we love/like the brand, our collaborations etc. I also want to put in some information about our stores where we sell to, nice 'quotes'. It needs to be a feel good article where we explain what the brand has given us, how we have grown over the last 5 years, our connection with the family (owners) of the brand uashmama. We have a lot of information about us in Dutch so therefore we prefere to work with a Dutch writer. Other creative ideas for a nice article are also more than welcome. ± 600 / 700 words.... Extensive research needed: no Extra notes: I want to use nice and powerfull words in the article. Such as: Shared understanding Moments Personal and bussiness growth Friends Beautiful Comfortable Sustainability Quality Surrounding oneself with the absolute best design in terms of function and shape Calm I love the style of 'Kinfolk Home' how they write. Attached: a dutch interview about us
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