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Kipstor needs a part time content editor

Num. of words: To be defined Website url: Information for the blog/website: We are a business consultancy and technology firm in the enterprise architecture & enterprise modelling domain. Industry: Technology Tone: Formal/Professional Outline & Structure: We are looking for a prolific and talented content creator / editor to produce various articles, blog posts, whitepapers and newsletters in order to expand our company's digital footprint. This includes attracting site traffic and social followers, improving site authority, driving new sales leads, and empowering our community of Practice of experienced Enterprise Architects & Modellers. The Content Editor is responsible for all aspects of content, which includes development, design, production, presentation, evaluation and analysis and will work closely with Marketing and the Directors to create an overall positive user experience across all inbound channels (social, email, blog, landing pages etc.). Extra notes:

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Вакансия: #9475

2409 дней 23ч 5м



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Рабочее время:

00:00 - 08:00

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