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Need Creative Content Writers

Kind of writing: Technology Num. of articles: 2 Words per article: 600 Industry: Internet/Software Topic: Creative Contents Tone: Formal/Professional Outline & Structure: I am looking for some good talented writers who are creative, high enough with skills with proper grammar. I need you to write on web page content and blog articles and both need to be high quality, plagiarism free. You need to constantly create/write best articles. With that I also looking for some technical writer who can write good technical articles like say a topic will be How to de-fragment hard drives file folders in windows 8.1 / 10? You need to write how to do that, processes/steps with images for better visualization. This is an example, such like contents with good quality. If you think you can create good content and you are creative then reply me here, I will then share my email, skype, phone number for further communications. Here I want to mention that is please company or any such group of freelancers or writers no need to apply. I want to apply only the freelance writer who personally write articles, do not do outsources by taking projects from here. No such companies managers please. Only the writer persons need to apply here. No middleman please. Extensive research needed: yes Extra notes:

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Вакансия: #9602

2395 дней 20ч 11м



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00:00 - 08:00

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