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Topic: Drama Tone: Other Extensive research needed: no Extra notes: I am looking to hire a script writer for a short film. 10 to 15 pages max with the theme of "a Deaf teenage boy who wants to find freedom from his abusive step-father but, first he must have the courage to stand up to him." This is an idea for a short with the plans of selling it to make it a full feature film, so there is a possibility of hiring back in the future for a feature length film. I give full creative freedom in the making of the script but, there is a scene that must be in the script since that scene alone was the inspiration for the film. Scene: Sitting on a hidden, beautiful lake deck (they're hideaway). The boy is friends with a girl, she is fearless, she is the complete opposite of him and she is the reason he learns about hope. He never shared with her what is going on in his personal life, at home with his step-father. But, one day when she confronts him and pushes him to open up about the marks on his body and the secrets he always keeps. She pushed him into the water and time slows down. I want to make the audience fall in the water along with them, I want to see water bubbles around them and that moment of confusion when you dip in the water for the first time for your body to adjust. He has shut eyes, tense body. She opens up her eyes, her hearing gets disturbed. what sounded clear before now sounds muffled. she looks at him and for the first time, she understands just for a moment what it must be like for him t see the world but not hear anything at all. Also, their conversation is in American Sign Language. This is all I know about the story, feel free to contact me if any question arisen. I love this story and I hope you do too. Join me in creating a beautiful film. Also, I am willing to negotiate the pay. Thank you

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Вакансия: #9723

2524 дней 12ч 25м



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