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I need a flexible, creative, and ambitious Screen/Script writer/copy writer

Num. of words: n/a Topic: veterinary pharmaceutical field Tone: Witty/Sharp Extensive research needed: yes Extra notes: We have recently acquired a new client who works in the veterinary pharmaceutical field. As a result, we require a professional who can conceive, write and produce video scripts that include series launch and topical promos that are in line with the key concepts of their brand. Job Description We’re looking for flexible, creative, and ambitious copywriters to write, edit and review video scripts. You must be able to generate great ideas and write scripts/treatments for a wide variety of client’s products and services. You must be based in the USA. Specifically, you should be able to: • Develop concepts, storyboards, and write script content for various types of videos (explainer, promo, and interview style videos) • Create the angle, content, and tone according to the needs of the client and the audience for each video Experience - 3 – 5+ years of experience in content and script writing that appeals to wide audiences - Knowledge of/ experience within the veterinary pharmaceutical field - Ability to manage multiple projects of varying complexities, meet deadlines, and work well under pressure - Must own a Mac or Windows based PC or laptop - Has a meticulous attention to detail and is capable of handling several projects simultaneously, has the ability to work independently and possesses excellent intrapersonal skills. - Must display a commitment to excellence and to on-going education in video/film production and to the mastery of his/her craft. To apply: • Please submit your resume together with a brief cover letter and include the following in the message box: - Why are you interested in working for a brand within the veterinary pharmaceutical field?

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Вакансия: #9725

2396 дней 3ч 47м



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Рабочее время:

00:00 - 08:00

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