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Trademark registration in UK

General information for the business: UK based company providing educational services Industry: Education Legal topic: Copyright/Patent Description of legal work: Dear Freelancer (Legal expert) We are registered limited company dealing in education sector in England and Wales from around last five years, using same name and logo. I am looking for legal freelancer from UK based solicitor or legal expert specialised in copyright patent etc in all required classes. 1)to register our company name and logo as for trademark, patent, copyright for UK national and with patent office and other authorities, so no one else can use it as a whole or as a part. 2) To guide us if any thing missing in above list to protect ourselves and guide us on any relevant queries about above job. Please provide your competitive best quotation to deal with above matters. Extra notes:

Additional info

Job: #8455

2429 day(s) 6h 55m



Job type:

One time job

Working Hours:

00:00 - 08:00

Required skills
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