Information for the business: A dessert shop Industry: Food and Beverage Design details: I am looking for somebody to copy a menu i already have. I want the menu to be exactly like the one I have submitted below. The reason i need this is so that i can send it to print. I need somebody who is an expert on designing a menu as the last time I got this work done when the file went to print there was a white edge around the menu which made it look very poor. So I want to try and avoid this type of situation. I need to a quick turn around time, so if you think you will take too much time, please do not bid on this job. Please note, do not bid on this job, accept a price and then try and charge me more, this is very unprofessional. Number of pages needed: 1, back and front, A4, 3 fold Content on the front/back side and body: I will upload the menu so you can see what you need to copy Ideas for the visual style: I will upload the menu so you can see what you need to copy Extra notes: The menu that needs to be copied exactly has been attached.
Вакансия: #5781
2565 дней 10ч 35м
Тип работы:
Одноразовая работа
Рабочее время:
00:00 - 08:00
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