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Seekin an affordable website designer to assist in developing an ceramics course site

General information for the website: eLearning ceramics video course site Kind of development: New website from scratch Description of requirements/features: Require a professional (yet affordable) website designer to assist with the preliminary planning of the look, layout and possible operation of the website, 'on paper'. Required skills include: - Aesthetic layout design; - User experience; - E-commerce solutions; - Landing page design. In essence, we already have a team that is able to do the actual website building, but we need to provide the materials to the team along with the 'blue prints'. Need someone to design the look and operation on paper. Also need to assist the e-commerce page for back-end sales of course specific course materials. Extra notes: All candidates need to live in or within commuting distance from, London, due to potential face-to-face meetings at west London. Price posted is initial, but can be negotiated with the successful candidate.

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Вакансия: #6483

2404 дней 9ч 27м



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00:00 - 08:00

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